Unique Technology: Hiring
good salespeople is one of the hardest things for a business owner or hiring executive.
Not any more! Dan Joy, Inc., offers the first and best sales assessment tests
of Total Sales Ability (tm). The JOY Sales Ability Tests (tm)
go above and beyond the mundane psychological / personality tests by testing for
the candidate's Total Sales Ability (tm) -- the actual street smarts of Professional
Selling. We test for Sales Prospecting Ability, Objection Handling Ability, Sales
Closing Ability, Personality, Psychology and much more!
Serving the Greater Good:
Your support of this website helps give back to humanity. Dan Joy, Inc., donates
at least Five Percent of its online sales testing profit to help children in
need, as well as to support other good social, community and humanitarian causes,
and medical research. Thank you for your kindness and for making a positive difference!
Benefiting Employers and Employees:
Our sales assessment tools help make the Sales and Marketing profession
stronger. The JOY Sales Tests (tm) are to be used for recruiting experienced
Business Development (Sales and Marketing) professionals only, and only for stable
and legitimate jobs paying livable wages and/or fair compensation. Our powerful
sales assessment tools are not to be used to recruit for entry level, exploitative
or Pyramid Scheme / Multilevel Marketing (MLM) positions.